Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday was our first day of clinic at Hillside. I was downstairs in the clinic in the morning and upstairs in the pharmacy in the afternoon. Clinic was good – did quite a bit of recommending as well as working out the kinks in workflow. The afternoon was really slow but it was nice to actually consult patients.

We ran to the market in the morning before clinic and got the makings for salsa, a couple red snapper (fresh – filleted), and potatoes as well as the beginnings of guacamole. Adam (medical resident from St. Louis) is an amazing cook and has been making meals for us. Wednesday night was Red Snapper marinated in a lime butter and pan seared and covered with fresh cilantro lime salsa with a vegetable medley of zucchini, carrot and onion and mashed potatoes. Thursday night was Chicken Parmesan with rotini and fresh tomato and garlic bread. This guy is amazing!

Wednesday night we also hooked up the projector to watch a movie (Gone in 60 Seconds) – but I was too tired to make it all the way through. I feel like I’m almost always tired here. It doesn’t matter how much sleep I get, I’m still drained at the end of the day. Part of it is probably the humidity (the heat has actually been rather bearable) and part of it is the work we do, but I still feel like I am more tired here than I have been in a long time. (Just killed an ant running across my computer screen).

Thursday most of us went to the mobile clinic in Aguacate (literally miles from the Guatemalan border). We saw 46 patients in 4.5 hours in a building with 3 rooms total. Pharmacy filled roughly 55 prescriptions with 2 people working. We were crazy busy all day. On the way to Aguacate we went over a bridge over Blue Creek. The water was already rushing pretty fast and high on the way into town. On the way back the bridge was completely flooded. So instead of a tiring 1 hours ride back to the clinic on bumpy dirt roads with 12 people, we went on a 2.5 hour detour.

The countryside was beautiful and it was a fun experience – but my legs and butt are so sore from sitting. Not to mention we were all gross and sweaty from the day. Thankfully Adam had dinner in the oven for us when we got back, aaaaand fruity drinks were had. Tonight has been low-key. I needed to shower and put laundry away, plus write for all of you. :-D

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