This past weekend was extremely fun though. I went with some residents from Vancouver and from OHSU to Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast. It was a pretty nice day out on the beach (at least when the sun was out). The views are gorgeous. We spent the day relaxing, drinking a few beers, and just having a good time exploring. Dinner was pretty good too - the clam chowder at Mo's is definitely worth checking out. At the end of the day I was exhausted though. We didn't really do that much either... I did manage to get sunburnt though - only on my shins - thanks to my inability to apply sunscreen properly.
I'm still working on getting the apartment squared away as far as unpacking goes. Need to take a trip to get some organization items to finish that up though. Maybe once I get my zipcard so I actually have a vehicle I can use that will get done.
On other notes I get paid on Friday which is super exciting. Also I'm looking into orthodontists in the area to finally fix this messed up mouth of mine (keep your comments to yourself). I also could use a massage, a pedicure, etc. Maybe in the next weeks here.
On a super exciting note: Tim is coming to visit next weekend! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. This is seriously the longest we've ever been apart and it's only been 3 weeks now. I miss him terribly though so I'm so glad he can come out and visit, even if only for a weekend. Then after that it'll only be ~4 weeks until he moves out here for good!
Well - back to the grind of reading RCTs, if only researchers knew how to do these right...
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