Thursday, November 12, 2009


I’m sitting on the porch writing this post, listening to the sounds of the night. Crickets are chirping, frogs are ribbiting, and Maurice the security guard is listening to the radio. Inside everyone is laughing and talking. We had an amazing day. Got up around 8:30 and had a leisurely breakfast. Around 10:30 or so everyone was ready so we biked into PG. The ride seems much shorted the second time around. Once in PG 4 people went kayaking and Kristin, Christy and I rode downtown. We were ridiculously hot at this point so we stopped at Brad’s convenience store to get a cool drink and biked down to the Coral House. There we ran into Emily who is a JVI and works as a counselor at the high school. Christy has connections to the JVI’s here in PG so we’re trying to meet up with them for dinner at some point. The Coral House is gorgeous. The pool was refreshing and shockingly deep. The Inn is right on the water so you can look out onto the ocean. The bar is fully stocked and the honor system works quite well. We spent the entire day there lounging in the sun, swimming in the pool, and drinking Belikens for a whopping BZ$14 (BZ$10 for the day and BZ$4 for the beer). We biked back to the clinic around 4pm – the ride back still seems really long and hard. Took a relaxing break to read/watch Pirates while dinner finished up – enchilada soup! Mirek and Kristin also made a no-bake cheesecake which was a delicious dessert. I’m well on my way to being nicely bronzed after just one day in the sun – can’t wait for the rest of the weekends!

Oh, and internet is shitty again – We think all of PG might be without right now because we couldn’t get it at the Coral House either. Hopefully it’s up sometime soon so I can post my last 2.

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