Thursday, July 16, 2009


Life is full of decisions: Should I wear the black or the blue pants? What do I want to have for dinner? Which tv show am I going to watch tonight? What do I want to do with the rest of my life?

I guess that's why life has seemed so incredibly impossible at times. I'm horrible at making decisions; and just about the time I think I have my mind made up, something comes along that makes me second guess it all.

When I decided to go to college I picked my last choice school because I couldn't decide which of the other ones I wanted to go to. Granted I think this was one of the best decisions of my life and if I had to do it all over again I would still choose to be a Badger. When I decided to study pharmacy and went through the agonizing process of applying I secretly wished I would get denied so I would have to choose a different career, simply because I wasn't entirely sure pharmacy was what I wanted to do. And yet, I don't think I could be happier with my chosen career path. Except that I'm not sure what that career path is just yet. Until this Monday I had it all figured out: I was going to go out west and complete 1-2 years in a hospital residency then come back to WI and work at a hospital/outpatient clinic in the Madison area. It was a perfect plan... or so I thought. Then I started Block 2 and my precious plans were shattered. You'd think I'm about to tell you that I failed out, or that I'm in a hospital and have unfortunately discovered that I actually hate hospital pharmacy. Alas, that is not the case. In fact I love my rotation site. I couldn't be happier. The personnel are an amazingly laid-back group of some of the coolest pharmacists I have ever met. The building and work space are gorgeous. The technology available is up-to-date and easy to use. The other problem: it's not a hospital, it's not a clinic, it's not even a pharmacy at all. I'm at a Pharmacy Benefits Manager and I love it.

Watch as my plans fly right out the window. What do I do now?

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